Sunday, March 15, 2020


Basic structural and function of cell


The Cell :
  • The Cell is the basic structural and functional unit of all known livingorganisms. It is the smallest unit of life and is often called the building block of life. 
  • The branch of biology which deals with the study of cell, is called Cytology.
  • Robert Hooke coined the term cell,  The first living cell was discovered by Leeuwenhoek.
 Types of Cells

These are of two types

1. Prokaryotic Cells Pro=primitive, karyos=nucleus) These are primitive cells, lacking a well defined nucleus and most of the other cell organelles, e.g, bacterial cell.

2. Eukaryotic Cells (Eu = true, karyos= nucleus) These have a well defined nucleus and membrane bound cellorganelles. These are present in unicellular and multicellular plant and animal cells.

Differences between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cell

  Prokaryotic Cell                                                                                       Eukaryotic Cell
  • Simplest and primitive in nature.                                       Developed and Comparatively complex in nature.
  • Lacks nuclear envelope.                                                     Nucleus is present with elaborate nuclear envelope
  • Membrane bound cell organellels are absent.                    Membrance bound cellorganelles are present.
  • Single naked chromosome present.                                   Many chromosomses are present.
  • Cell division is direct.                                                        Cell division occures by mitosis meiosis.         

  • Parts of Cell and their Functions :
    cell consists of cell wall and protoplasm.

    Protoplasm of Cell :

    It is the living fluid matter present inside the plasma membrane. The fluid present outside the nuclear membrane is called cytoplasm and the fluid present inside the nuclear membrane is called nucleoplasm. Deutoplasm is the non-living matter of the cell.

    Cell Wall :
    It is present in plant cells, bacteria, fungi, algae and some archaea. It is composed of cellulose in plants and chitin in fungi. It is non-living. Its main function is to provide shape and rigidity to the cell.

    Plasma Membrane :
    The cell is enclosed by a thin membrane called the cell membrane or Plasmalemma. It is composed of proteins and phospholipid molecules. It is elastic, living far various substances.

    It was discovered by R Altman in 1880 and the term mitochondria was coined by Carl Benda.
    It is bounded by a double membrane. The inner membrane has many folds, called the cristae. Fluid (called matrix) is present on interior, which contains many enzymes and coenzymes. It 1s a seml- autonomouss (can form its own copies) organelle and is called power house of the cell because in it, stepwise oxidation of fuel Occurs which results in release of chemical energy This energy is stored in the form of ATP.

    Plastids :

  • These are present only in plant cells and are of three types- chloroplasts green), leucoplasts (white), and chromoplasts (of various colours except green). Chloroplast is the site of photosynthesis as it contains chlorophyll, while leucoplasts are storage plastids. Chloroplast is called the kitchen of the cell.
  • The red colour of tomatoes is due to the presence of lycopene pigment, i.e., chromophore.
  • The color of carrot is due to carotene Pigment.

  • Endoplasmic Reticulum :

     It was discovered by KR Porter These are allow membranous System having ribosomes (thus called Rough ER) or no ribosomes (tnus called smooth ER). 

    Ribosomes :

    Ribosomes were discovered by GE Palade.These are minute, non-membranous particles,composed of RNA and protein. 70 S type of-ribosomes are found in prokaryotes, while 80 S type in eukaryotes. These are the site of protein synthesis.

    Lysosomes :

    Lysosomes were discovered by de Duve. These are polymorphic organelles having hydrolytic enzymes. These enzymes function at (acidic) pH5. These are sometimes called suicidal bags of the cell.

    Lysosome helps in Carcinogenesis, i.e, conversion of a normal cell into cancerous cell.

    Centrosome :

    It was discovered by T Boveri. It is composed of two set of centrioles and participate in the formation of mitotic spindle during cell division.

    Vacuoles :

    These are non-living reservoir, bounded by a membrane Called tonoplast. Pigment anthocyanin is present in the cell vacuole, which provide colour to flowers. It stores toxic metabolic waste and helps in osmoregulation.

    Nucleus :

    It was discovered by Robert Brown. It contains nucleoplasm, nucleolus and chromatin material. Nucleolus is rich in protein and RNA All this material is covered up by a nuclear membrane Chromatin is the controlling of cell as it form chromosomes.

    Chromosome :
    Chromosome is thread-like structure, found in the nucleus. Bead-like structures found on chromosome are called genes, which are made up of DNA and are the carrier of genetic information from generation to generation. Chromosomes are units of inheritance. In some viruses e.g retrovirus, RNA is the genetic material.

    Differences between Plant and Animal Cell

      Plant Cell                                                   Animal Cell

  • It has cell wall  Cell wall is usually absent
  • Plastids are found.Plastids are usually absent
  • Centrioles and centrosomes are absent            Centrioles and centrosomes are found in all clls.
  • A bIg vacuole is present. Vacuole is absent or very small in size.

  • Nucleic Acids :
    These contain the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms.

    These are of two types: DNA and RNA.

    Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) :

  • DNA was discovered by JamesD Watson and Francis Crick, Who got Nobel Prize tor this discovery  It is a long polymer made from repeating units called nucleotides.

  • Each nucleotide consists of avnucleoside (i.e. nitrogenous base and deoxyribose sugar) and a phosphate group, joined together by phosphodiester bonds.

  • Is It has four bases, i.e. adenine, e, Cytosihe and thymilne.

  • Adenine and guanine are the purine bases, cytosine and thymine are Pyrimidine bases.

Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) : 
  • It is also made up of a long chain of nucleotides.
  •  Each nucleotide Consists of a nitrogenous base, a ribose sugar, and a phosphate group.

  • It contains uracil in place of thymine.

. RNA is of three types-
  1. mRNA (messenger RNA)
  2. rRNA (ribosomal RNA)
  3. tRNA (transfer RNA)

These three RNA's take part in protein synthesis.


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